Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

NGS oil and gas separators are designed for degassing and purification of oil, purification of associated and natural gas from condensates, water, various inhibitors and other liquid inclusions in gas treatment plants at gas and oil refineries.
Separators are made of two types:
Type I - horizontal for oil and gas environments.
Type II - vertical for oil and gas environments.


All NPO Ufaneftegazmas products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant NPO Ufaneftegazmas: modular and flare installations, oil metering units, pumping and compressor stations, filling systems, block boxes, industrial system heaters, depulsators, separators, filters, tanks
  • Oil and gas separators NPO Ufaneftegazmas
    Oil and gas separators
    NGS , etc .
  • Depulsators NPO Ufaneftegazmas
    for gas extraction, etc.
  • Filling systems NPO Ufaneftegazmas
    Filling systems
    SLEEP 100-25 , etc .
  • Pumping equipment NPO Ufaneftegazmas
    Pumping equipment
    BKNS, ET, OP, etc.
  • Tanks NPO Ufaneftegazmas
    RGS-100, etc.
  • Filter separators NPO Ufaneftegazmas
    Filter separators
    FS-B and others.
  • Block boxes NPO Ufaneftegazmas
    Block boxes
    BTM et al.
  • Heaters of industrial systems NPO Ufaneftegazmas
    Heaters of industrial systems
    NPS-01, NPS-05, etc.
  • Flare installations NPO Ufaneftegazmas
    Flare installations
    SFM , etc .
  • Oil metering units NPO Ufaneftegazmas
    Oil metering units
    UZT, SIKNS, etc.
  • Modular installations NPO Ufaneftegazmas
    Modular installations
    UPG, UPN, ULF, UPES, BOV, etc.

About NPO Ufaneftegazmas

The Ufaneftegazmash Scientific and Production Association (Ufa) carries out orders for the manufacture of equipment for oil and gas fields, a complete set of turnkey works: design work, manufacture, installation, commissioning and maintenance of equipment.
  • application

    NPO Ufaneftegazmash specializes in solving non-standard tasks and scientific research in the field of technological solutions for collecting, preparing, accounting and transporting oil, creating samples of new equipment for mass production.
  • development

    The manufactured equipment is developed and manufactured taking into account the peculiarities of the field, taking into account the gas content, water content, viscosity of products, the need for heating, requirements for the degree of oil preparation and water purification.
  • quality

    All manufactured equipment has certificates of conformity and permits for the use of Rostechnadzor. The quality management system of NPO Ufaneftegazmash is certified and meets all the requirements of GOST ISO 9001-2011.

Information Board NPO Ufaneftegazmas

Learn more about our products NPO Ufaneftegazmas.
  • Catalog of products of NPO Ufaneftegazmash от производителя НПО Уфанефтегазмаш
    Catalog of products of NPO Ufaneftegazmash
  • Questionnaire for gas treatment plants завода НПО Уфанефтегазмаш
    Questionnaire for gas treatment plants
  • Questionnaire for measuring three-phase installations изготовителя НПО Уфанефтегазмаш
    Questionnaire for measuring three-phase installations
  • Questionnaire for block separator filters от производителя НПО Уфанефтегазмаш
    Questionnaire for block separator filters


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